
Todo: Use Angular Material more

I have been working with Bootstrap for years and have not spent much time with Angular Material. So i created a simple todo app tonight.

Angular Material is a UI component library and design system for building user interfaces in Angular applications. It follows the Material Design principles established by Google, providing a set of pre-designed and customizable components that can be easily integrated into Angular projects. Angular Material helps developers create visually appealing and consistent UIs while adhering to best practices for design and user experience.

Key features and concepts of Angular Material include:

1. Component Library: Angular Material offers a comprehensive collection of reusable UI components, including buttons, cards, dialogs, menus, forms, tooltips, and more. These components are built using Angular and can be seamlessly integrated into your application.

2. Theming and Styling: Angular Material supports theming and provides a theming system that allows you to customize the appearance of components to match your application's branding and design. You can define color palettes, typography settings, and other styles.

3. Responsive Design: Angular Material components are designed to be responsive and work well across different screen sizes and devices. They adapt to the available space and provide consistent user experiences.

4. Accessibility: Angular Material places a strong emphasis on accessibility, ensuring that components are designed and developed with accessibility best practices in mind. This helps create inclusive and user-friendly interfaces.

5. Component Variants and Flexibility: Many components in Angular Material come with multiple variants and customization options, allowing you to tailor them to your specific use cases.

6. Animation and Transitions: Angular Material provides built-in animations and transitions that enhance the visual appeal and interactivity of your UI components.

7. Integration with Angular: Since Angular Material is specifically designed for Angular applications, it seamlessly integrates with Angular's component-based architecture and features.

Here's a basic example of how you might use Angular Material components in an Angular application:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { MatDialog } from '@angular/material/dialog';

selector: 'app-root',
template: `
<button mat-raised-button color="primary" (click)="openDialog()">Open Dialog</button>
export class AppComponent {
constructor(private dialog: MatDialog) {}

openDialog() {
const dialogRef =, {
width: '250px',
data: { message: 'Hello, Angular Material!' },

In this example, the `mat-raised-button` component from Angular Material is used to create a raised button. When the button is clicked, it opens a dialog using the `MatDialog` service.

Angular Material simplifies the process of creating attractive and functional user interfaces in Angular applications. It's widely used in the Angular community to streamline development and improve the overall user experience of web applications.
