
How's the weather

RxWeather is one of my practice apps which fetches the weather from a free api using your location or you can enter a city name. I also displays a map zoomed in on the city. I built this as an example of a Typescript React application using redux-observable/RxJs and Mapbox. 

In case you have not heard of redux-observable, it is a middleware library for managing asynchronous operations and side effects in Redux applications. It enables you to handle complex asynchronous flows using reactive programming principles and techniques. The library is built on top of the popular RxJS library, which provides tools for working with asynchronous and event-driven code using Observables.

The primary goal of redux-observable is to provide a way to handle side effects in a more organized and maintainable manner while adhering to the principles of Redux. By using Observables, you can model and manage asynchronous actions, such as making API requests, handling user input, and managing timers, in a consistent and predictable way.

Key concepts of redux-observable include:

Epics: Epics are the core building blocks of redux-observable. They are functions that take a stream of actions as input and return a stream of new actions as output. Epics allow you to react to specific actions and perform asynchronous operations, transforming them into new actions.

Observables: Observables are streams of values that can be observed over time. In the context of redux-observable, Observables represent streams of actions and can be transformed using various operators from the RxJS library.

Actions and Action Creators: Just like in Redux, actions represent events or changes in your application. Action creators are functions that create action objects. In redux-observable, you can use actions to trigger epics and produce new actions.

Middleware Integration: redux-observable is used as middleware in your Redux store, allowing it to intercept and process actions before they reach the reducers. It sits between action dispatching and the reducer pipeline.
