
How many pesos is that?

I don't know much about Cinco de Mayo.
I'm never sure what it's all about.
But I say I want you and you don't believe me.
You say you want me but I've got my doubts
Oh baby, I was bound for Mexico.
-- Song by Cake

Need to convert your dollars into another currency. I was board, so I made this simple app in React and Material UI.

Material-UI is a popular open-source design system and component library for building user interfaces (UIs) in React applications. It provides a set of pre-designed and customizable UI components, styles, and themes that follow the Material Design guidelines created by Google. Material Design is a design language focused on creating visually appealing and consistent user experiences across different platforms and devices.

Material-UI offers a wide range of components that cover common UI elements, such as buttons, input fields, navigation bars, modals, cards, and more. These components are designed to be highly modular, reusable, and flexible, allowing developers to create visually appealing and responsive user interfaces with ease.

Key features and concepts of Material-UI include:

1. Component Library: Material-UI provides a comprehensive collection of ready-to-use components that follow the Material Design principles. These components are built using React and can be easily integrated into your application.

2. Theming: Material-UI supports theming, allowing you to customize the look and feel of your application by defining a theme with colors, typography, spacing, and other design attributes.

3. Responsive Design: Material-UI components are designed to be responsive by default, ensuring that your UI looks and works well on various screen sizes and devices.

4. Customization: While Material-UI provides a default set of styles, you can easily customize and override styles to match your application's branding and design requirements.

5. Accessibility: Material-UI emphasizes accessibility and provides components with built-in accessibility features, making it easier to create inclusive user interfaces.

6. Integration with React: Since Material-UI is built using React, it integrates seamlessly with React applications, leveraging React's component-based architecture and state management.

Here's a basic example of how you might use Material-UI components in a React application:

import React from 'react';
import Button from '@mui/material/Button';
import TextField from '@mui/material/TextField';

function App() {
return (
<Button variant="contained" color="primary">
Click me
<TextField label="Enter your name" variant="outlined" />

export default App;

In this example, the `Button` and `TextField` components from Material-UI are imported and used within a React component. The components provide default styling and behavior based on the Material Design guidelines.

Material-UI has gained widespread popularity in the React community due to its well-designed components, theming capabilities, and support for responsive design. It's widely used for building visually appealing and user-friendly web applications.
